Life in the A-Frame

Life in the A-Frame

Sunday, March 28, 2010

We have a restaurant in town that has started making their own fries. Mega fries, I would say. We brought my daughter a plate home for lunch and she found this-the longest curly fry we've ever seen. We thought it was worthy of taking a picture and sharing it....with all of you. It is good for a smile today, don't you agree?

We will also celebrate today because it is Palm Sunday, the celebration of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.


KathyB. said...

The curly fry looks to be well over a foot long -One fry alone must have the daily calorie allotment for healthy eating, wow!

We sing that wonderful song in church often. Reminds me of what we have been freely given but at great cost.

Southern Comfort said...

My favorite version of the song is the one sang by all the kids during our chapel time when I taught at a private school. They did motions to go along with it. I can still hear it in my memory.